
Claudia Romero participó del Hackathon CUIA: The circulation of ideas as a tool to strengthen relations between Italy & Argentina

El martes 30 de abril tuvo lugar el Hackathon del Consorcio Interuniverstiario Italiano para Argentina (CUIA) . El evento fue coordinado por Universidad Di Tella junto a la Universitá di Macerata, la Universitá degli Studi di Milano y la Universitá di Camerino.

Participaron del evento académicos e investigadores, empresarios y directivos de empresas, estudiantes, funcionarios políticos y representantes de la sociedad civil. 

La Dra.
Claudia Romero, profesora full time del Área de Educación de la Escuela de Gobierno participó del panel "Construcción de Competitividad en Argentina: firmas italianas y el Acuerdo de Libre Comercio UE-Mercosur" junto a Angelica Bonfanti (University of Milan), Andrea Goldstein (OECD) y Marcos Orteu (UTDT).

Las intervenciones fueron inglés, italiano y español, aunque la difusión se hizo en idioma inglés como muestra la información específica que se presenta a continuación. 

"The circulation of ideas as a tool to strengthen relations between Italy & Argentina". 

Brief description

Italy and Argentina are tied by multiple demographic, cultural and economic links. Against the backdrop of the great challenges that both countries are facing – from climate change to social transformation and inclusion, as well as the digital revolution, ageing and migration, without forgetting the pandemic risks –, strengthening bilateral collaboration seems more appropriate than ever. Especially at a time of great vulnerability for the Argentine economy, Italy’s support and willingness to share experiences and develop new processes for the circulation of tangible and intangible resources seem fundamental to seize the opportunities opened up by the possible (and much hoped) launch of the EU-Mercosur free trade area.

The initiative is inspired by the Third Mission of universities to promote:

·         the transfer of knowledge to the Italian and Argentine production systems;

·         the development of theoretical and applied research between the two countries, on issues of internationalization, digitalization, generational transition and responsible business conduct;

·         joint participation in international and cross-sectoral competitive tenders.



The workshop is held in the framework of the CUIA Days in Argentina and is organized in Buenos Aires on April 30 by the University of Macerata, the University of Camerino, the University of Milan and the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, with the participation of scholars from OSECD, Polytechnic University of the Marche and University of Urbino.

Based on interaction and discussions among scholars and experts of both countries, proposals to tackle specific challenges will be sought:

· Which policies can stimulate business and increase bilateral investment? What lessons can be drawn from the experience, in some cases ultra-centenary, of Italian multinationals in Argentina? How can the impact of the activities of Italian companies in Argentina be maximised?

· How can the competencies and skills that arise in academia, also through the circulation of scientists and students, be multiplied? What lessons can be learned from the respective experiences with the Third Mission of universities, aimed at diffusing knowledge at the cultural, social and economic levels?

· How can we take advantage of the innovations that emerge from the activities of universities to strengthen bilateral production or commercial cooperation? Is there room for a process of co-creation aimed at fostering investment-stimulating innovations?

· What issues surround the intergenerational transfer of ownership of family businesses, the real backbone of the production system in both countries? Are there any particular lessons from the experience of the Marche region?

· Can Argentina become a competitive location for digital tasks in global value chains? What is being done to raise the profile of Argentina among global multinationals?

· How can we ensure that the activities of companies, both national and international, contribute to sustainable growth through the defense of human and labour rights, of the environment and the promotion of “good governance”? What are the prospects for the proposed EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement, and in particular the chapter on trade and sustainable development? What consequences can be expected on bilateral trade and investment from the adoption of the European Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence?



The activity will take place in interactive form, in order to stimulate collective intelligence – with the participation of: academics and researchers; entrepreneurs and business managers; students, including exchange students from Italian universities; policy-makers; representatives of civil society. Interventions can be in English, Italian and Spanish, although no interpretation will be provided.



14h - Institutional welcome and launch of the digital hackathon

·         Melani Machinea (UTDT)

·         Francesca Spigarelli (University of Macerata)

14.15h - Entrepreneurship, innovation and business ecosystems: the role of Universities

·         Diego Luzuriaga (UTDT)

·         Fabio Musso (University of Urbino)

·         Francesca Spigarelli (University of Macerata)

15.30h - Building competitiveness in Argentina: Italian firms and the EU-Mercosur FTA

·         Angelica Bonfanti (University of Milan)

·         Andrea Goldstein (OECD)

·         Marcos Orteu (UTDT)

·         Claudia Romero (UTDT)


17.15h - Family business and digitalization in global markets

·         Flavio Corradini (University of Camerino)

·         Nicolás Merener (UTDT)

·         Attilio Mucelli (Polytechnic University of the Marche)


18.30h - How to stimulate Italian-Argentina cooperation: concluding panel

·         Gianni Loreti, ICE BA

·         Discussion and interaction with participants: results of the digital hackathon. With Bernardo Kosacoff and Francesca Spigarelli